Piles Dieses Treatment

Treatment offers by OM sai clinic rohtak

  1. Non-surgical Treatment Options: Non-surgical treatments for piles, also known as hemorrhoids, involve methods that do not require a surgical procedure. These may include lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, medications, and minimally invasive procedures performed in an outpatient setting. Non-surgical options are typically considered for milder cases of piles and aim to alleviate symptoms such as pain, itching, and swelling.

  2. Advanced Surgical Interventions: Advanced surgical interventions refer to medical procedures that involve the use of advanced techniques and technology to address severe or persistent cases of piles. Surgical interventions may be recommended when non-surgical treatments prove ineffective or when piles have reached an advanced stage. These procedures are conducted by skilled surgeons and may include techniques such as hemorrhoidectomy or other specialized surgical approaches.

  3. Laser Treatment for Piles: Laser treatment for piles, also known as laser hemorrhoidoplasty or laser hemorrhoidectomy, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. It involves the use of laser energy to shrink or remove hemorrhoidal tissue. Laser treatment is often chosen for its precision, minimal bleeding, and reduced postoperative discomfort compared to traditional surgical methods.

  4. Minimally Invasive Procedures: Minimally invasive procedures for piles are techniques that involve smaller incisions or no incisions at all, resulting in less trauma to the surrounding tissues. These procedures are performed using specialized instruments, such as a scope or laser, and may include methods like rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, or coagulation therapy. Minimally invasive approaches are designed to reduce pain, shorten recovery times, and provide effective relief from piles symptoms.

  5. Postoperative Care and Follow-up: Postoperative care and follow-up involve the management of patients after a surgical procedure for piles. This phase is crucial for monitoring recovery, managing any postoperative discomfort, and preventing complications. Follow-up appointments allow the healthcare team to assess the patient’s progress, address any concerns, and provide guidance on postoperative care, including dietary recommendations, activity restrictions, and the use of prescribed medications.



These comprehensive Piles Treatment Services aim to offer a range of options tailored to the severity of the condition, providing patients with effective and personalized care based on their specific needs.
